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Le attrici scelte per le ragazze Cullen, Alice Rosalie Esme

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view post Posted on 17/2/2008, 21:06

le altre x me vanno bene ma Rosalie nn mi c'entra nulla!!!
~D a n y
view post Posted on 26/2/2008, 12:27

Message from Ashley Greene

We messaged Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen) today on myspace:

Hey,This is Geo from Twilighters.org. All of us over at the website would like to say that we think that you will be a great Alice and do an amazing job on the upcoming Twilight movie.

She replied and said:

Thank You So Much! And I just Have to say me and all my co-stars love Twilighters.org!!!

Also she would like us to remind you guys to only ask one question per day on her myspace blog.


view post Posted on 26/2/2008, 18:56

mamma mia... scelte peggiori non potevano farle...
view post Posted on 3/3/2008, 15:49

TwilightMoms ha intervistato Ashley Greene (Alice).

1.) TM: Have you read the books?

Ashley: Yes of course I’ve read all three books! A few times actually. I finished all three books, and become a fan before I was even cast!

2.) TM: What do you do in Portland with your spare time? Do you need a local tour guide? No charge. My number is (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Ha ha.

Ashley: Time off. HA! No, um just trying to explore the city. It really is a gorgeous place! I’ve decided I would like a house here. And thank you for the offer, that’s incredibly sweet.... I might just take you up on the offer when I’m here on my own time

3.) TM: What is your favorite Alice moment in the books, if you have read them?

Ashley: Favorite Alice moment? Hmm.... there are a few but a moment that always makes me smile is the whole yellow Porsche bit.... it shows a playful warm connection between Edward and Alice

4.) TM: Have you heard any chatter about sequels?

Ashley: Definitely heard the chatter I would love if there were sequels. We shall see.

5.) TM: Can we come and do an interview in person some time on behalf of twilightmoms.com?

Ashley: The in person interview could probably be arranged. That’s something that will have to go through my management and the movie publicist though. I would love to though, if it can be arranged.

6.) TM: Are you getting along with the other cast members?

Ashley: The Cast is amazing! Everyone pretty much "clicks" which is very nice considering we are family now.
7.) TM: Can you please ask Rob if he got the Jack Nicholson DVD's that we dropped off? A production assistant names Derek said he would give them to Rob.

Ashley: I will certainly ask Rob if he has received the DVD.

8.) TM: What actors or actresses to you look up to?

Ashley: I love love, love Audrey Hepburn. She's so timeless and classically beautiful. Gina Davis is also great... long kiss goodnight was a favorite of mine for a while. Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep and Felicity Huffman are some others I look up to.

9. TM: What's the biggest difference between the Alice from the books vs. the Alice we will see in the movie version?

Ashley: I am trying to keep the character pretty similar to the book. Everyone has a different take though. I don't want to give anything away, but I am trying to give the character layers that people may not have picked up on. Most people see her as a cheerful cute bubbly girl, and there is just so much more to Alice than that.

10. TM: Has Alice's hair been a big concern about getting accurate? Or are you doing your own version of it? Will it be a wig or your hair?

Ashley: Oh the hair! Haha, it’s definitely been a work in progress. I think you'll be pleased though. Again, I’m trying to keep her close to what the fans see. I'm not fictional though, so we have to work with my face

11. TM: Have you seen any of the costume designs for the movie yet? Stephenie Meyer has a very specific look for Alice's prom dress on her website. Is the costume designer going off of that or using something completely original?

Ashley: The wardrobe I have seen is awesome! I love it. Unfortunately, the prom dress is just as much of a mystery to me as it is to you.

12. TM: I'd love to know more about the casting photo that was done of the Cullen’s. Was it really a last minute thing? Are wigs going to be used in the movie?

Ashley: Yes, the photo was just a general idea. Don’t worry. We were no where near finished.

13. TM: What did you think of Stephenie Meyer?

Ashley: Stephenie Meyer was so pleasant. She really is a sweet and talented woman I was a little nervous to meet her, but the second we sat down and began chattering away, I was completely comfortable. I’m very excited I was able to meet her!

14. TM: In what ways are you like Alice? How are you different?

Ashley: Well, physically, there are a few differences. At this point I think we all know I'm much much taller which much longer hair. I relate somehow with any character but this one is a little different considering she is a vampire who can see the future. I do have the same intense love for my family I’m very blessed to have such an amazing family. And I care a lot about others feelings, I would never want to intentionally hurt anyone. And what girl doesn't love shopping!?

15. TM: Are you under contract to do a sequel?

Ashley: We don't talk about contracts.

16. TM: What do you think your life will be like after this movie comes out? Are you excited or nervous about all the exposure from crazy fans like us or is that just something that you take as part of the job?

Ashley: I am a little nervous. A good nervous though. The exposure will definitely help my career and enable me to keep doing what I love ya know? I am a little scared of the privacy level that will probably be next to nothing, but aside from that I’m ecstatic!

17. TM: What kind of big stunt work is being done? We have heard about flying thru trees - will you get to do anything like that?

Ashley: We are doing a good amount of stunt work. So neat! I’m trying to do all of my own stunt stuff.

18. TM: What are you doing to prepare for this role? Or what have you had to do?
We've heard Robert is doing a lot of physical training and also work on the dialect/accent. Have you had to do anything like that?

Ashley: Well, baseball. I’ve never played before so it’s quite a challenge. I've been studying few books, films and my own personal exercises.

19.TM: What is it like to work with Catherine Hardwicke?

Ashley: Catherine is a ball of energy. Positive energy. She's very fun to work with!

20. TM: Some actors only like to read the script and not the book the script is adapted from... what do you like? Since a lot is changed in a script from the book version, do you think that knowing the character from the books point of view helps or is distracting?

Ashley: I think anything I can get my hands on helps. Books, the script, twilight sites, Wikipedia..... it gives me so many more places to pull from.

21. TM: What was the audition process like for the role of Alice? can you talk about who else was considered? (or that you beat out ) How long have you known that you had the part?

Ashley: The auditioning process was really long for me.... a couple of months. And I don't really know the people considered. I try not to focus on that stuff.
And I knew about a month before I flew out.

22. TM: How is the chemistry between yourself and Jackson Rathbone? (on and off screen)

Ashley: Jackson is an awesome guy! Such a fun person to be around. And I think there is a bit of chemistry with everyone in the cast. We all get along great. We all hang out and goof off together.

23. TM: Ashley does it surprise you that Twilight has a huge Adult fan base? What do you think of all us crazy TMs lusting after Edward/Jacob?

Ashley: I am pleasantly surprised. My mom loves it too though.
Haha, well Jacob and Edward are perfect. I mean I’ve read the books and now I've met the people and they should be lusting!! They are very lust-able guys haha.

24. TM: What’s it like on set? Is it a fun cast or is it more serious?
Is anyone the funny one? Peter said in his MySpace blog that he gets called the ~dad~ has anyone else gotten a nickname?

Ashley: Oh its very fun. Its a very young, fun cast. Um, the "wifey" and "Hubby" terms have been tossed around. And we go in and out of being called jasper alice ashley jackson and such....

25. TM: Why has the cast been kept so secret? Is it just so that the production company can spread it out to keep up the buzz?

Ashley: I’ve got no idea about the cast. I think they wanted to wait until things are solid and set in stone really. But the Buzz was a positive too.

26. TM: Happy belated Birthday wishes!! Did you do anything special or where you working?

Ashley: Thanks!! I’m 21! I was working but a friend flew in and a couple of the cast took me out for a chill night. It was really nice, and I remember it!

27. TM: Where do you stay when you are filming? Do they put you up in a hotel, apartment, etc.?
What about meals? Do they have everything catered so you don't have to leave the set?
What about free time? Can you go sight seeing? What is the funest thing you have done in Portland?

Ashley: Oh yea, we get fed. They put us up in hotels for most films. And we get Per Diem for food each day, even though they feed us! Not a ton of free time but when we're off we have been trying to look around. I want to go hiking, it’s so gorgeous out! Um, went to Powells the other day, I love that place! A lot of the fun is on set actually. Wire work rocks!

28. TM: Being a crazed fan - I can't get a good perception on how the outside world is going to react to Twilight the movie - is the buzz around set that this is going to be huge? Or obviously that’s the hope of every movie, but does it seem to be a big topic that comes up? Is there a lot of weight laying on this having a huge opening? Will that effect the possibilities of sequels happening or are the sequels already being set up?

Ashley: There is the hope that its a huge film. There is that pressure to appeal to die hard fans and also people who have never heard of the book. If we can achieve that I think there is a real possibility of this movie doing great in the box office. Of course I think the numbers effect if there is a sequel. If we open huge then it would seem like the most logical thing to do. If we fizzle then I highly highly doubt the second book would be filmed.

29. TM: What is the buzz about us fans? Do we differ from most movie fans in that we aren't really about one particular actor- but excited about the whole dang movie even down to the cars they are using?

Ashley: We love the fans! Your the reason the films getting made and such a buzz! So thank you!

30. TM: We fans are obsessed about every little detail. Is this something Director Catherine Hardwicke is taking into consideration? If she is - can you give us an example?

Ashley: We all take that into consideration. No movie is a spitting image of the book, but we are going to try to keep you guys happy. There are a lot of similarities but there will be differences.

31. TM: What is your favorite book/movie (aside from Twilight, of course!)

Ashley: Favorite book? hmm.... I’m in the middle of "Eat Pray Love" ... it’s a good one. Really enjoyed the Da Vinci code and well as Demons and Angels.

32. TM: What's your dream role in a movie? Do you even have one? This could be a book character, or a movie that has already been made... whatever Just curious. AND, if you could appear opposite from any hottie in a movie who would it be? (So many wonderful possibilities here... I have my own hottie list...)

Ashley: Haha I am right there with ya!
Dream Role: I really would love to do a piece like Julia Roberts or Charlize Theron in Erin Brockovich or North Country. They were both so amazing and so inspiring. I would love to touch someone in the way they're performances touched me. Obviously that will be when I play 30 and not 16 so I have time. Also a time piece.
Playing Alice is pretty ideal as well. I get to do everything!
Hmmm.... well I’m already working with a bunch of hotties now haha. But besides those guys Mr Johnny Depp is the first that pops into my head.

33. TM: Can you tell us all about Alice's wardrobe for the movie????

Ashley: Alice's wardrobe is a mixture of modern edge with elegance and magic I have the best wardrobe.... I think I’m going to try to take it all back with me!

34. TM: What is a typical day like for you on set? How early do you start? How is your time spent!

Ashley: Nothings typical with us. Some days are suuuuper long and some are short. The times vary as well.... usually don’t have days that begin before like 8 so that’s good. We just began filming though. The last few weeks was all training and hair and makeup.

35. TM: I just was wondering, if any of the other actors have been freaked out at all by the dedication of the fandom, and by any of the Twilight Mom's stalking adventures.

Ashley: No, not at all. Right now I think its a blessing we have you guys as fans and supporters.

36. TM: What scene in the movie can you not wait to get to??

Ashley: Fight scene!!

37. TM: Is Robert speaking in an American accent while in character?

Ashley: Yes I believe he will.

38. TM: I'm trying to be really good and not ask a thing about MY favorite! (Emmett) (Tell me everything you know!!)

Ashley: I’m thrilled about Emmett as well...
Kellan and I have been friends for a few years so I was extremely happy about being able to be on screen with him.

Ashley’s response to multiple well-wishes and congratulations on her casting as Alice-
Thank you so much for all the support. It’s a big relief to know that in general people are happy with our cast!
view post Posted on 19/3/2008, 15:02

Intervista di MTV a Ashley Greene

MTV: How are they filming your visions?
Greene: Right now, the visions are me basically trying to portray things through my eyes and face.
MTV: How does an actor pretend she's seeing things?
Greene: Well, I have to create a whole vision in my head, an actual one. There's a couple of different scenes where I have visions, and they've filmed them a couple different ways, so I'm not sure how they are going to do it. We went through a couple of things, but it's not going to be a grand, big thing when I have visions.

Resto dell'intervista!
view post Posted on 21/3/2008, 11:07

Altra intervista di MTV ad Ashley

QUI l'articolo
~D a n y
view post Posted on 3/4/2008, 15:49

che fortuna la Ashley :o: esce con Chace di Gossip Girl *_*

credit to chace crawford online.

però dicono che sono foto vecchie :mmm:

view post Posted on 4/5/2008, 13:15

rosalie non si può guardare... dai nel libro la definisce bellissima!!! questa se deve rifà la faccia!
view post Posted on 4/5/2008, 13:18

L'attrice che fa Rosalie è la figliastra della regista. Io penso che sia nel cast solo per raccomandazione :XD:
~D a n y
view post Posted on 4/5/2008, 13:20

sicuro :sisi:

Ste,hai visto sopra Chace con Alice? *___*
view post Posted on 4/5/2008, 13:21

anche io sono dello stesso parere... a mio avviso è bruttina..
view post Posted on 4/5/2008, 13:21

Si *_* Me invidiosa :cry:

che bello che è quel ragazzo :cry:
view post Posted on 4/5/2008, 13:22

non è certo l'incarnazione della pura bellezza,come Bella definisce Rosalie...
view post Posted on 4/5/2008, 13:23

ho ancora la bavetta...XD
view post Posted on 4/5/2008, 16:49

CITAZIONE (• M i d n i g h t S u n • @ 4/5/2008, 14:18)
L'attrice che fa Rosalie è la figliastra della regista. Io penso che sia nel cast solo per raccomandazione :XD:

adesso mi spiego tante cose... ._.
37 replies since 13/2/2008, 16:12   2554 views